My monthly (ish) free newsletter is called Over the Back Fence and you can sign up at morningtimeformoms.com
Be aware that there is a glitch when you are redirected. Just ignore that. You will still be successfully subscribed. The name reflects my desire for moms to share with one another organically over the back fence, so to speak.
I also run a Patreon group with 2 levels.
Level 1 is for those wanting to walk with me through Charlotte Mason’s 6 Volumes. You can access the volumes through SoundCloud links. I’m also very excited about our new Discord Forum, where you get access to discussions with fellow moms!
Level 2 includes the above plus so much more. Two monthly Zoom meetings, weekly video or audio encouragement from me on Saturdays with Cindy, book clubs, etc. The low prices of my Patreon reflect my commitment to encourage ALL moms. You can check it out at Patreon.com/cindyrollins.
Looking to escape Facebook? Both my own Patreon and The Literary Life Podcast Patreon offer Discord forums with memberships.
I have several books published.
- Mere Motherhood is available on Amazon and other book sellers. This is my memoir.
- Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms Are People Too is a book for mothers, but not about mothering. It’s a book about education, but not about teaching children. This is a book about self-education. It is a book about how a mother can capture her moments and days in such a way that they add up to a life worth living. Her life.
- Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions with Handel’s Messiah is my Advent devotional based on Handel’s Messiah also available on Amazon and other booksellers. Published by Blue Sky Daisies.
- Morning Time: A Liturgy of Love, is my newest book and anthology on implementing a life-giving family morning into your home also nurtured by the publisher Blue Sky Daisies.
- The Morning Time Student Anthology is a student companion copy to Morning Time: A Liturgy of Love. You can also purchase a pdf copy at Blue Sky Daisies (Morning Time Anthology PDF).
- The Mere Motherhood Newsletters is a collection of past newsletters and has some of my favorite recipes.
Finally, I have 2 podcasts:
- The Literary Life Podcast with Angelina Stanford and Thomas Banks where we discuss literature and reading in the Christian tradition.
https://www.theliterary.life. - The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins: If you are a Charlotte Mason homeschooler or a someone interested in Charlotte Mason, you will love our podcast which is directly related to the Mere Motherhood Facebook Page.
You can keep up with me though my newsletter or through my website www.morningtimeformoms.com.
Hi, I’m Cindy! I homeschooled nine children for over 30 years years using Charlotte Mason’s timeless ideas. I’m the author of Mere Motherhood: Morning Time, Nursery Rhymes, My Journey Toward Sanctification, The Mere Motherhood Newsletters, Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions with Handel’s Messiah and Morning Time: A Liturgy of Love along with its Anthology.
I co-host The New Mason Jar Podcast with Dawn Duran. I also co-host The Literary Life Podcast with Angelina Stanford and Thomas Banks.
I’m the owner of the Mere Motherhood Facebook group and run an active moms’ discipleship group on patreon.com/cindyrollins. My heart’s desire is to encourage moms and go to baseball games. I live in my sometimes empty nest in Chattanooga, Tennessee with my husband Tim and dog Max.
You can find me at:
- Newsletter: www.morningtimeformoms.com is where I publish my Over the Back Fence newsletter
- Patreon: Discipleship at www.patreon.com/cindyrollins
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CindyRollinsWriter
- Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cindyordoamoris
- Mere Motherhood FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/meremotherhood