
Mere Motherhood

This is my memoir. A story of big families, cross-country moves, and small-town living. It’s about great books and morning times and nursery rhymes. My journey toward the Truth.

Beyond Mere Motherhood:
Moms Are People Too

Being a mom can sometimes feel like an overwhelming job with endless tasks and lofty, unattainable goals. It’s not easy mothering children. In the throes of motherhood, moms often find themselves forgetting something foundational to their own identity: moms are people too. This is a book for mothers, but not about mothering. It’s a book about education, but not about teaching children.

This is a book about self-education. It is a book about how a mother can capture her moments and days in such a way that they add up to a life worth living. Her life.

Moms are people too.

Morning Time: a Liturgy of Love

Free Printables!
Morning Time is a regular gathering focused on remembering—remembering Scripture, songs, poetry, works of music and art, stories—even Plutarch’s Lives and Shakespeare’s plays. This book gives readers a practical, road-tested way to make Morning Time a beautiful liturgy of their own.

 The Morning Time Student Anthology

This volume includes ONLY my Anthology as a student companion copy: a collection of poems, hymn lyrics, Scripture passages, catechisms, Shakespeare passages, and other  selections gathered to make your Morning Time easy to put into practice.

Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions
with Handel’s Messiah!

This book helps in building a rich Advent tradition for you and your family.
It contain weekly Scripture passages, hymns, and poems, daily Messiah listening schedule with background information from Greg Wilbur, an overview of the church calendar by Thomas Banks, Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany recipes, and suggestions for celebrating the Advent feasts of St. Nicholas and St. Lucia.

Mere Motherhood Newsletters

A collection of my newsletters from December 2016 to December 2018, complete with poems in the public domain and recipes!

The Literary Life
Commonplace Book Collection

The Literary Life Commonplace Book Series features the collection of official Literary Life Podcast commonplace books with a variety of designs.
Podcast hosts and authors Angelina Stanford, Thomas Banks, and I guide readers in creating a commonplace habit of their own. 
For more details about The Literary Life Commonplace books, visit the publisher website at and the Literary Life Podcast website at

The Literary Life
KIDS Commonplace Book Collection

The Literary Life KIDS Commonplace Book (Rainforest Sloth) features the Literary Life Podcast commonplace book with a fun sloths on the cover and a coordinating interior design. In the book, on behalf of all the podcast hosts, I give kids tips on how to use the book and how to create a commonplace habit for life.
Also included: the podcast’s annual kids’ reading challenge, pages for commonplace quotes and sketches, pages for book narrations, pages for book reviews, and space to keep track of books they would like to read as well as space for readers to track their own reading.