Worthy is the Lamb: Mom’s Advent Discipleship

Mom’s Advent Discipleship


Day Schedule

Zoom Meetings

Story & Narration Times for Families
December 2-20, 2024
What We’ll Enjoy

(for reference)

Poetry, Paintings & More

Memory Work
Revelation 5
Christmas Eve by Christina Rossetti

Story & Narration Times
On Fridays at 1pm EST, we will have a Zoom meeting for the kids of the moms in the class. It will be Advent stories and narration. The kids will also have a chance to read some of their own narrations.
I love when kids participate in our discipleship times and for Advent I want to make it extra special for them with a mini narration club.

Lessons & Carols
We will also end our time together on Friday night, December 20 with a family participation Lessons and Carols time. We will have a sign up sheet for kids and families to sing, read, or play an instrument. I’m so excited to spend this time with you!
About Me
Hi, I’m Cindy. I homeschooled nine children for over 30 years. I curate the Over the Back Fence Newsletter here on morningtimeformoms.com. I authored Mere Motherhood: Morning Time, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey Toward Sanctification; A Handbook for Morning Time, and Hallelujah—A Journey Through Advent with Handel’s Messiah and the Mere Motherhood Newsletters.
My heart’s desire is to encourage moms and I’d love to be a part of encouraging you this advent season!
Would love to see you!